Let's Go Back to the Bible

He Can Use You!

The challenge of Mission Sunday lies before each of us. We all know that we are living in hard times and daily expenses seem to always be increasing, but we cannot lose sight of that which is the most important thing in our lives. We need to keep in focus that all the material things on this earth are temporary. However, there is that which will still exists when the universe melts with the fiery judgment of God.

All that we see is temporary. New clothes become outdated, and new shoes wear out. New cars and houses cease to be new and become part of the financial drain on our income.  The best computer purchased today rapidly becomes just another outdated computer. We have gone from rotary dial phones, to cumbersome cell phones, to flip top cell phones and then to smart phones. Remember that God said, “The things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).

God has made us stewards of all He gives us. The rich farmer described by Jesus had truly been blessed. His harvest had been so plenteous that he planned to build new barns where he could store his treasure. The reality is that all of these blessings had come from Someone else. God has never been dependent on us. He said, “If I were hungry, I would not tell you. For the world is Mine, and all its fullness” (Psa. 50:10). Everything we own is from Him, and he has given us the right to choose how we use His blessing. However, He does hold us responsible. Worldly-minded men see His blessings to be squandered in living “the good life.” It all belongs to Him. On Mission Sunday, we are returning to God that which is His.

Think about how God has used this congregation. He has blessed us by letting us touch the eternal souls of men. I hope your heart was stirred this past Sunday when we looked at how God has used the Mission Sunday funds over these last eleven years. We have been major supporters of missionaries on four continents and involved in short-term mission efforts on six continents. Because of our special relationship with Apologetics Press, last year we helped touch over 175 of the 206 nations on this earth. God is using us!

With God we can. Yet, the work is not done! It will not be accomplished without sacrificial giving on the last Sunday of this month. At our worship this week, we will look at how the Lord is opening even more doors before us. Will you prayerfully think about how you can sacrifice so the Lord’s work can be done? He has used us before, and we are His. Think about how we sometimes use His blessings on temporary things.  Yet, the souls of men are eternal. May we rise to the challenge of using His blessings on that which is eternal!