Let's Go Back to the Bible

God Gives Us Exactly What We Need

What a great weekend!  In fact, it was the perfect weekend, exactly what was needed!  How do I know?

Dave Miller arrived safely and did an outstanding job in the seminar.  He presented seven masterful lectures!  Actually, they were perfect, exactly what was needed!  How do I know?

There were hundreds in attendance at the Eissey Campus Theatre every night, half of whom were not members of Palm Beach Lakes.  While the crowd was less than the number who registered to come, it was the perfect turnout, exactly what was needed!  How do I know?

The seminar had a profound impact on those who attended.  Dozens were unable to keep themselves from missing the conclusion of the seminar in our building on Sunday.  Each one received a free DVD that they can watch again and share with others.  The impact on those who attended this seminar was perfect, exactly what was needed.  How do I know?

How can such an evaluation, made only hours after the seminar concluded, state so unequivocally and emphatically that it was perfect, exactly what was needed?  The reality is that even before the seminar began on Friday that same evaluation could have been made before Dave Miller said the first word and before the first person stepped into the theatre.  How do I know?

The answer is so obvious and so simple, and it has virtually nothing to do with us (other than our trust and obedience).  On Saturday, August 9, this congregation spent 24 straight hours praying to God, asking Him to bless our efforts in the seminar for His glory.  Almost 100 of us spent 15 minutes each on that day petitioning our God.  Then, on Wednesday night, we collectively spent an entire mid-week service focusing on the seminar, begging God to be with Dave, to be with those who attended, and to help the seminar to be a success.  We asked our God!

And, God answered our prayers.  He blessed us with the perfect seminar, exactly what was needed.  “Ask, and it will be given to you…whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive…ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you…we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him” (Matt. 7:7; 21:22; John 15:7; 1 John 5:14-15).  Thank you, brethren, for praying!  And, thank God for giving us the perfect weekend, exactly what we needed!