Let's Go Back to the Bible

Don’t say it! Don’t say it! “Life stinks!” Why do you say that?

It may make you uncomfortable to state or hear or consider or admit that life on this earth stinks, but you know this to be true.  Consider the evidence.

Homosexuality is becoming commonplace.  Polygamy is making its way into mainstream discussions.  Marriage is being mocked and dismantled.  Unwed births are becoming the norm.  Thousands of unborn children are murdered every day.  Alcohol is widely (and wildly) consumed.  Other drugs are easily attainable.  Christianity is being demeaned and criticized.  Can we admit it?  Life on earth stinks!

Consider it from another angle.  Cancer is killing.  Chemo and radiation are seemingly as common as aspirin.  Infections are everyday occurrences.  Body pains control daily activities.  Injuries alter life ambitions.  Health problems are breaking hearts and breaking up homes.  Babies, infants and youth are in hospital beds with tubes and needles in their bodies.  Can we admit it?  Life on earth stinks!

One more angle that touches close to home.  I lost my job.  I lost my insurance.  My car got totaled.  My house was burglarized.  Someone stole my wallet.  A friend was gossiping about me.  My child has disowned me.  My hero just let me down…big time. Can we admit it?  Life on earth stinks!

Thank God that the life that truly matters is not all about life on this earth! If our purpose was to be determined by life on this earth, how misguided a people would we be!  If our happiness was to be determined by life on this earth, how miserable a people would we be!  But, our purpose and our happiness is not regulated by what this earth has to offer!

A Christian’s joy is of a far better place! Fleeting joy can be experienced on this earth, but true joy is found in Jesus, faith in Him and the hope of heaven (1 Pet. 1:3-9).

A Christian’s citizenship is in a far better place! Earthly citizenship might stink, but we are citizens of heaven (Phil. 3:20-21)!

A Christian’s target is on a far better place! Focusing on life here and now can be depressing, but we are pressing toward a greater prize (Phil. 3:14)!

A Christian’s motivation is for a far better place! Every decision we make every day is driven by, not a momentary pleasure, but by an “eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4:17), that keeps us moving and keeps us striving every day!

A Christian’s life is about a far better place! What is your life about?  How could it be summarized?  If your life is centered on what this earth has to offer, then life is going to stink!  But, if your life is “set on things above” (Col. 3:1-2), then there is an abundant life for you to enjoy right now (Jn. 10:10)!