Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Does Your Church?” (Part 2)—The Beginning of the Church

When did your church begin?  That’s an important question to answer.  We often like to know when a thing started.  Some businesses will advertise, “Doing business since 1963.”  That’s when they began their company.  Your date of birth is needed on many forms and transactions today, as it uniquely identifies your own origin.

Where did your church begin?  That’s another important question to answer.  We often like to know where something originated.  On the tags attached to many garments, it will indicate where it was made.  How often have you yourself been asked, “Where are you from?  Where were you born?”  Your place of birth tied with your date of birth is very unique to you and helps to identify who you are.

The same is true for the church.  That’s why it is important to know “when” your church began and “where” your church began.  Did you know that the Bible reveals precisely “when” and “where” the Lord’s church began?  This information uniquely identifies for us the church of the Bible.

The prophet Daniel foretold that the Lord’s kingdom (i.e., “church,” Matt. 16:18-19) would be established during the days of the Roman Empire (Dan. 2:31-45).  When Jesus came, He announced, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15).  He pinpointed that it would come “with power” during the lifetime of those who heard Him (Mark 9:1).  Just before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples that they would “receive [this] power when the Holy Spirit” came upon them (Acts 1:8).  In Acts 2, Peter explained the things happening on that day (Pentecost) were the fulfillment of the events prophesied to take place in “the last days” (2:16-17; cf. Joel 2:28-32), including the church (Isa. 2:2).  The Holy Spirit came upon the apostles that day, fulfilling the sign that the church would be “present with power.”  That’s when the church of Christ began.

The prophet Isaiah foretold that the Lord’s house (i.e., “church,” 1 Tim. 3:15) would be established in the city of Jerusalem (Isa. 2:2-4).  When Jesus came, He told His disciples that “power from on high” would mark the coming of His kingdom in the city of Jerusalem (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8).  In Acts 2, the church was established when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles in the city of Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-5).  That’s where the church of Christ began.

What about your church?  Have you ever traced when and where it began?  Most “churches” today were established many centuries after and many miles away from the one in the Bible.  The church of Christ finds its beginning on the day of Pentecost in the city of Jerusalem.  Does your church?