Let's Go Back to the Bible

Disney Proves That God Exists! Thank You, Disney!

Truth is an amazing thing!  Truth is always truth, and there is nothing that can be said or done to alter truth!  Truth is one of those pesky things that just won’t go away, and even those who reject it and want nothing to do with it will sometimes find themselves espousing it unwittingly.

Such is the case with the existence of God.  Think of the millions of people who reject the very concept of a Creator of all things, and yet they deny the existence of a Creator in the face of overwhelming and obvious evidence that surrounds them and impacts them on a daily basis.  No wonder the inspired Scriptures would affirm that those who refuse to acknowledge the existence, power and divine nature of the Creator—when they can clearly see the evidence—“are without excuse” (Rom. 1:20).

The Law of Cause and Effect is one of those natural laws of science for which there are no exceptions.  The law states that every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect.  This is one of those truths that is so obvious that it is impossible to escape, and yet so easy to understand.  If your child comes home with a black eye, you know there must have been a blow adequate to cause it.  If you see a semi-truck overturned on the side of the road, you know there must have been a force adequate to cause it.  So, what about when you see the immense and intricately complex universe?  Does it not also demand an adequate cause to explain its origin?  Naturally it does!  Every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect.

In the Disney film Finding Dory, the writers (surely not realizing the implications of the argument) based the entire premise of that movie on the Law of Cause and Effect.  The main character, Dory, suffering from memory loss, could not until recently even remember her parents.  But, she reasons very soundly for a forgetful fish.  Consider carefully the truth she realized:  “I have a family.  I know, because I…You know, I must’ve come from somewhere, right?”  This perceptive little blue tang had an obvious truth staring her in the face—she must have come from somewhere!

That’s the Law of Cause and Effect, and Disney made an argument based upon that law—the very law (which has no exceptions) that proves the intricately complex universe and the intricately complex human body must have an adequate cause.  That adequate cause is not the man-made, evidence-lacking theory of evolution!  That cause is God (Gen. 1:1)!

“For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God” (Heb. 3:4).  Thank you, Disney, for proving this point!  Truth is so obvious!