Let's Go Back to the Bible

Close Enough!

How often does the philosophy “close enough” impact your daily life?  You pull into a parking space and you’re a little further to the right than you should be—close enough! You cut a piece of wood and it’s one-eighth of an inch off—close enough! You call your child by the wrong name but it’s still somebody in the family—close enough!

How do you suppose that philosophy works with God?  Pick up your Bible and pick a Bible teaching.  Is “close enough” good enough with God?

In order to become a Christian, God says that one must hear the gospel message (Rom. 10:13-17), believe the gospel (John 20:30-31), repent of his sins (Acts 17:30), confess his faith in the Son of God (Rom. 10:9-10) and be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16).  Suppose someone looks at this, having already (in their minds) believed, repented and confessed, and he says, “Close enough!”  Is it really close enough for God?

In order to win souls to Christ, God says that one must “let his light shine” (Matt. 5:16), be mindful of the works that others see in him (Matt. 5:16), put the church first in his life (Matt. 6:33), exhort others to worship God (Matt. 4:10; Heb. 10:25), demonstrate his faith by his works (Jas. 2:18), be holy in all his conduct (1 Pet. 1:15) and preach the gospel message to those who are lost in sin (Mark 16:15).  Suppose someone looks at this, scared to death or embarrassed at the idea of actually teaching the gospel, and he says, “I’ve lived a good example before others.  They can see Jesus living in me.  That’s close enough!”  Is it really close enough for God?

In order to go to heaven, God says that one must go through Christ (John 14:6), obey His will (Matt. 7:21), make his call and election sure by growing diligently (2 Pet. 1:5-11), and faithfully serve Him for life (Rev. 2:10).  Suppose someone, on the day of judgment, looks at this, having never been convinced that they could actually lose their salvation once they had been baptized, and says, “Well, I was close enough.”  Is it really close enough for God?

The philosophy “close enough” may work in some of the inconsequential situations we face in life (parking, woodwork, horseshoes, etc.).  However, following the “close enough” philosophy can cost you your soul.

In Numbers 13, the Israelites came to the border of the Promised Land (couldn’t get any closer), but they failed to enter the land of rest.  “Close enough” was not good enough with God.  Read chapters 3-4 in the book of Hebrews. May God help us to not come short of our rest (Heb. 4:1; 12:15)!