Let's Go Back to the Bible

Attendance Cards? Why?

“We’d like to ask everyone at this time (at least one member from each family) to take one of the Attendance Cards in the back of the pew in front of you and fill out the information requested there.” Why?  Perhaps, like me, you’ve been to other congregations who don’t ask for Attendance Cards to be completed (and many do not even have them available).  Why are we asked to fill out a card at every service?

For MEMBERS, there are some good reasons. First, it helps the church to maintain accurate contact information.  There is a place on the cards to give a new address, phone, email, etc.  This is helpful to have, especially when we update and print the church directories throughout the year.

Second, it is an easy avenue of communication with the elders (or the office).  If someone is sick in the family, if you have a prayer request, if you are planning to travel out of town, if there is something you want your shepherds to know, the card is a perfect place to share that information.

Third, and probably most important, the cards give the elders a means by which to stay apprised of the spiritual health of the church.  While “church attendance” is NOT the only measurement of one’s spiritual health, it is often a pretty good indicator, as Christians who are struggling with their faith will sometimes start missing services.  When shepherds are made aware of this (with the completion of attendance cards), they can more readily and speedily show compassionate concern to one who is in need of loving attention.  Remember, the shepherds “watch out for your souls, as those who must give account” (Heb. 13:17).  Thank God for their thoughtful care!

For VISITORS, there are some good reasons. Perhaps you are a visitor at our services.  Why do we ask you to complete a card?  First, we want you to know that we are very protective of the information that you give us.  We will never misuse it or harass you in any way.

Second, we are deeply appreciative and humbled that you are visiting with us and that you are choosing to share information with us.

Third, we are asking you to complete a card, so that (1) we will be able to personally thank you for your visit, (2) we might be able to let you know of future church events that might interest you, (3) we can know how you heard of Palm Beach Lakes and if someone invited you to come, (4) we can know how we might be of help to you by way of Bible studies or other information.  You truly are an honored guest, and we want you to know that we are glad you came!

Attendance Cards are a great tool for communication and encouragement.  Thank you for filling them out at every service and helping this church grow, serve and show its love!