Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by David Sproule (Page 3)

Tempting situations

Many children have found themselves in a tempting situation and have given in—maybe it was a bowl of ice cream on the counter or a candy bar on a store shelf or some money sticking out of mom’s purse. For children, these are life lessons to learn from, but it’s “kids’ stuff.” For Christian adults, the tempting situations get bigger and the consequences…

“What a Friend we have”

Who is your Best Friend? He’s the One who bears all of our sins and griefs! He’s the one who eases our trials, temptations, trouble, sorrows and weakness! He’s the One who is the strong refuge for the weak and heavy-laden, who will take you in His arms and shield you! What a Friend! Truly, there’s not a Friend like Jesus! He’s the One who can heal all…

“It is He who made us”

Reading the Bible slowly and considering each phrase is fun. Do you ever stop to wonder how God chose to word certain things in certain passages? Psalm 100 is a well-known text. The very center of the psalm states, “It is He who made us.” Why doesn’t it state it more simply as, “He made us”? Consider the significance of the text saying, “It is HE who…

They remembered His words

On Sunday morning, when the women arrived at Jesus’ tomb and found it empty, two angels (Luke 24:4) announced to them that Jesus was risen from the dead, “as He said” that He would (Matt. 28:6). “And they remembered His words,” for Jesus had taught His disciples, “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified,…

“With you”

Various ones throughout the Bible were given the same encouraging, bolstering, motivating message. Abraham was told: “God is with you” (Gen. 21:22). Isaac was told: “the Lord is with you” (Gen. 26:28). Israel was told: “the Lord your God is with you” (Deut. 20:1). Joshua was told: “the Lord your God is with you” (Josh. 1:9). Gideon was told: “The Lord is with you” (Judg. 6:12). King Saul…

Why Vacation Bible School Is for Everyone…Including You

“That’s not for me.  I’m not going to that!”  So often that is the mindset that some have toward various gatherings and activities of the church.  It’s almost as if some have decided that nothing other than Sunday morning worship is for them and nothing will convince them otherwise.  Would you be willing to consider a few things for just a few…