Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by David Sproule (Page 245)

A compliment a day keeps the doldrums away

It has been said that a compliment can carry someone for an entire month.  It probably depends on the nature of the compliment, who said it and what kind of month we’re having, but the right compliment at the right time often does carry someone for the next several days, if not weeks. Would it surprise you to know that God already…

The Fundamentals of Withdrawing Fellowship (Part 2)

This is a continuation of a series of articles on the practice within the Lord’s church of withdrawing fellowship.  The purpose is to examine briefly the teaching of Scripture on this matter and to allow the New Testament to give the answers.  We have already noticed that withdrawing of fellowship is a command of God.  Let us continue to prayerfully search the…

A good friend loves…most of the time?

What kind of friend are you?  Are you as good a friend as Ruth was to Naomi?  Naomi’s husband had died.  She needed a friend! Both of Naomi’s sons had died.  She needed a friend! But, Naomi didn’t see it that way.  And, Naomi was more concerned about others than she was for herself.  She told her daughter-in-laws, Orpah and Ruth, “Go,…

“We rationalize and justify every aberrant behavior”

It was back in 1998, but the words ring as true today and almost eerily true.  Dr. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek co-authored a book entitled, Legislating Morality (which I think has been revised since then).  Think about this sentence:  “We’re living in a society in which people feel no obligation to control their own actions.  Instead, we rationalize and justify every…

92% of Americans will go to heaven!

It depends on what survey you read and who actually does the survey, but some recent surveys have found that 92% of Americans believe in God.  (The purpose of this short article is not to dissect exactly what they meant by belief in God.)  So, that means that things are not as bad as we thought, right?  That means that 92% of…

“God took His car to get an oil change one day…”

Getting an oil change is one of those laughably frustrating events in life.  You get out of your car and say, “I’d like an oil change.”  (Simple, straightforward, precise.)  “Ok, sir, we’ll get right on it.”  You go into the customer area and wait…you know what’s coming next.  The nice gentleman comes in with your air filter in hand and begins his…