Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Dan Jenkins (Page 84)

WOW! What a Weekend!

There is no exaggeration in saying that this past weekend was one of the very best in the history of this congregation. In the twenty-six years I have known Palm Beach Lakes there have been many great times together, but I do not believe we have had a weekend to surpass what just happened. So many worked so hard to make the…

Pleasing Whom?

One of the great challenges facing Christians is peer pressure. We all want to be liked and so the tendency is to alter our lives just enough so we will be accepted by others. How many Christians have compromised values simply because they did not want to stand out and be different? One lesson each of us must learn is how fickle…

God Had a Debt, and He Paid It!

In 598 B.C., the army of Babylon, led by their king, Nebuchadnezzar, besieged the city of Tyre. This ancient city was one of the wealthiest cities of the world because of their merchant ships which traversed the known world. However, the city did not immediately fall. In fact, it was thirteen years later that the merchants of Tyre sailed away taking their…

The Most Effective Advertising

Gus Nichols preached for nearly half a century in Jasper, Alabama. During the time he was there, the church grew and became a very powerful influence throughout that area. The church was deeply respected for the many lives which were changed through its evangelistic efforts. He once described the most effective gospel meeting they ever had and the method they used to…

Exciting News About Chris Fry!

Only a missionary can know just how important it is to have congregations who are supporting you which take special interest in the work being done. Many congregations simply send regular contributions to those who are serving the Lord in a distant place, but then there are those whose support goes far beyond a monthly check. One of the factors which makes…