Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Dan Jenkins (Page 75)

Looking for Signs From Heaven?

So they came to Jesus to ask for a sign. He had already turned water to wine, healed every sick person brought to Him, fed the multitudes on two occasions and spoken life changing words. Yet, they were not satisfied. What more could God do to show the authenticity of Jesus and the new covenant He was revealing? His answer was, “No…

A Divine If/Then Statement

Most everyone understands those if/then kinds of statements. It is a sentence which begins with the word if, then it states an action and ends with the consequence of that action. What child has not heard a parent say, “If you ever do that again, then . . .”? What dating couple has not had as part of their conversation, “If you…

Portrait of Satan

So just what does Satan look like? The media gives him the appearance of a monster, with a head shaped like a goat. Artists have given him the form of a man with his own identifiable beard and with horns coming from his head. Cartoonists have portrayed him wearing a red suit with a pitchfork and a pointed tail. When you think…

One Thing to Do in 2012

Paul saw Christians as being athletes for Jesus. They were competing in the arena while they were surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses (Heb. 12:1). They were individuals in a race which must be run according to rules (2 Tim. 2:5). They were fighters/boxers who were not just “punching into the air” but had precise blows planned for the enemy (1…