Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Something is missing in my life”

Have you ever thought, “I just feel like there’s something missing in my life”? What could it be? There’s a lot of things it could be, but how about a series of questions to explore this together?

Do you come to church more than just Sunday morning? Are you in Bible class on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights? Do you read a passage in your Bible every day? Do you stop and talk to God every day? Do you read your church bulletin looking for opportunities to serve others? Do you look through your church directory looking for opportunities to just call (or text or write) and encourage a fellow Christian? Do you periodically reach out to the youth in the congregation and let them know that you’re praying for them? Do you treat others with kindness and try to positively influence people you meet with your love for Jesus? Do you talk to people about the Lord, about His Word, about His salvation and about His church?

Read these again. If any were answered “no,” that could be what’s “missing in your life”!