Let's Go Back to the Bible

Profanity–a permeating and putrid pest!

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a…” Unfortunately, you know the rest of that line. Little did anyone know in 1939 what an impact that one profanity would have in movies and television in the years that followed (and the impact it would have in our lives). We are surrounded by vulgar language almost daily, and too often it creeps into our own speech. Brethren, watch out!

Scripture teaches plainly that “no corrupt word” or “filthy language” has any business coming “out of your mouth” (Eph. 4:29; Col. 3:8). The language of a Christian is to emulate Christ!

Consider this quote from Wayne Jackson on ChristianCourier.com: “Profanity is such an invasive influence; it’s a mind-maggot. It gnaws its way into the recesses of one’s thinking, and, if harbored, will make its presence spontaneously felt at the slightest provocation. This is what happens when we allow ourselves to be unnecessarily and regularly exposed to its vileness. We may soon begin to ‘cuss’ mentally even if we don’t verbalize profanity outright.”