Let's Go Back to the Bible

What Are You Planning to Wear Today?

An adage which has been around for years is, “Clothes makes the man.” The idea behind this is that when a man wears the proper clothes, these clothes removed any blemishes which he might have. When wearing the proper clothing he is far more likely to be received and accepted by society. Consider the follow “items” of clothing which God urges us to wear so that when others look at our lights they will glorify our God even more.

Clothed with Salvation

When Solomon dedicated the temple to God, he extolled the greatness of God and then turned his attention to those priests who came before Him. “Let your priests, O Lord God be clothed with salvation.” The work of the priest was to come before God to seek God’s favor for His people.

Sometimes those priests who stood before God on behalf of others were extremely vile. Remember how the sons of Eli did not have time to offer a troubled soul’s sacrifice—they were spending their time fornicating with women at the door of the tabernacle (1 Sam. 2:22). Solomon, in his wisdom saw that such men should not come before God, so he begged God that those who served in the temple he was dedicating might be holy—clothed with the salvation from God. Consider how this impacts every Christian, for each of us is a priest to God. When we come before Him may we be men and women with salvation, with hearts made pure by our Father. Each of us needs to be clothed with salvation.

Clothed with Gladness

The closing chapters of Isaiah prophesy about the coming the church. He describes the heart of those who are part of that kingdom. “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of righteousness…” (Isa. 61:10). David also describes that joy. “Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your saints shout for joy” (Psa. 132:9).

Those who have been made holy by the blood of Jesus and stand in garments of righteousness have every reason to have hearts filled with joy!

Clothed with Humility

Peter adds one other aspect to the “clothes which make a Christian” when he says, “Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility” (1 Pet. 5:5). We have not been redeemed so others may serve us, but so we may serve them. When we humble ourselves and get self out of the way, others will not see us, they will see Jesus. Clothes make a man, but truly clothes make a Christian!