Let's Go Back to the Bible

Here a soul, there a soul, everywhere a soul!

The person standing at the bus stop when you drive by has a soul!  The person who blows by you on the interstate in an Aston Martin has a soul!  The person checking you out at the grocery store has a soul!  The person who calls your phone from a telemarketing agency has a soul!  The person calling you from the collection agency has a soul!  The person representing you in the various government positions has s soul!  The person running for office has a soul!  The person who loves you has a soul!  The person who hates you has a soul!  The persons who teach the children, drive the school bus, stop traffic at the crosswalk, serve lunch in the cafeteria, mop the school bathrooms after hours and work as the principal each have a soul!  The person in the highest income tax bracket has a soul!  The person who is unemployed has a soul!  The person reading these words has a soul!  The person writing these words has a soul!

What’s the point?  Every soul is going to spend an eternity in heaven or in hell.  What we do (or don’t do) about it may impact someone else’s eternity and will for sure impact ours!