Let's Go Back to the Bible

Day 28: Read Acts 28. Unrelentingly Preaching Jesus and His Kingdom


1. While the Christian Way, which the Jews called a “sect,” was “spoken against everywhere,” was Paul embarrassed or did he back down? What can we learn from that?

2. Although Paul had been arrested, beaten, imprisoned and now could have his life taken for preaching about Jesus and his kingdom, what did he continue to preach while in prison?

3. Why is it that some people can hear the truth plainly preached but yet not believe it and not respond to it?

4. What can I draw from this chapter to help me grow as a Christian?

Answering the questions from this chapter is GOOD.

Applying the message of this chapter is BETTER.

Today’s purpose: Read. Reflect. Reconnect with Jesus.


One more thing: Pray about this today!