Let's Go Back to the Bible

Palm Beach Lakes World Missions

What an exciting announcement this past Sunday! Robert and Reanna Lupo are going to preaching school and will then come back and work with the youth and family work. The elders initiated Palm Beach Lakes World Missions. All of that on top of so many other great works we get to be a part of. It is such a blessing to be a member of a congregation that takes the Great Commission to heart. So much potential lies ahead of us as we look toward what God can do with us in 2021.

With the announcement, I gave a brief explanation of what Palm Beach Lakes World Missions (PBLWM) is and plans to be. I would like to give you some more information of its potential and your involvement. The mission statement provides a framework of what we would like to achieve. Our mission is to labor with existing congregations and new works of the Lord’s church in evangelizing, edifying, and equipping the saints for greater service in domestic and foreign fields. What we are wanting to do is be a resource and help to congregations and mission efforts. In the area of evangelism, it would involve sending people or groups for specific needs. It could be doing Gospel Meetings or door-knocking campaigns. With edification, we could be involved in teaching personal work or lessons on developing church leadership. Equipping would involve getting people in touch with the many powerful resources that are available in the brotherhood that people aren’t familiar with. We can also help in getting needed resources to mission points like Bibles or tracts. Eventually, this could grow to starting new mission points or planting new congregations. PBLWM will be starting off slow and gradually building to what it needs to be, all the while striving to do all we can both domestically and in the foreign fields. PBLWM does not replace anything that Palm Beach Lakes is already doing. We are seeking to add to what is already happening and be a resource to other works.

As was mentioned Sunday, this concept will not be a reality without your support. This congregation has responded so well to Mission Sunday that it has opened doors of opportunity to PBL and other mission points that were not previously attainable. This is one of those areas. With the leadership and vision of the eldership, PBLWM was presented to me as an idea on paper. On that paper was this line, “The eldership desires that you involve PBL members at every available opportunity.” It is to that end that there will be an effort to keep you informed about the things that are happening and the opportunities for you to be involved. The first thing you can be doing is praying for this effort. It will involve all of us working together, but it should start there. Be ready to help in any way you can. We all have a part we can play.