Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Josh Blackmer (Page 8)

Us Versus Them

We’ve all done this. We make broad brush stroke comments about others. Groups of people are categorized by age, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, geographical location, political affiliation, and this list could go on ad nauseam. We can make an “other” or “they” group out of anything that would distinguish ourselves from another human being. We might more commonly refer to this as…

The Most Important Message

In 1977, two space probes were launched, Voyager 1 & 2. Their primary missions were to photograph many of the planets in our solar system. The secondary mission was to go into deep space outside the influence of our sun and send information back about the conditions of outer space. Both Voyager space probes carried a gold-plated audio-visual disc. The discs carried photos…

“The Love of Christ Compels Us”

What keeps you motivated? You might rely on extrinsic motivations, money, praise, or recognition. Intrinsic motivations help also, that personal gratification of accomplishing a task is very rewarding. The motivation in our spiritual walk needs to be maintained. What keeps us making right choices? What helps me face those hard days? What presses me on toward the high calling or to go…

Sin in 4D (Part 4)

“Death comes for us all; even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh. It is the law of nature, and the will of God” (Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons). While Mr. Bolt is off on his…

Sin in 4D (Part 3)

It seems that no matter where you turn truth is being spun. It is being manipulated to fit the needs and the narrative of various groups that are at odds with one another. The prizes to be won in this war of deception are the hearts and minds of the general public. The collateral damage has been our collective confidence in these…

Sin in 4D (Part 2)

There have been people “memeing” and murmuring about WWIII. In connection with the recent pandemic that has gone endemic and other uncertainties, people are wondering what’s about to happen. They are looking at things as signs to a future calamity or doom, twisting the book of Revelation as though it would have further revelations for today. We get wound up as a…

Sin in 4D (Part 1)

Very rarely is a nation ever one hundred percent unified on a matter. There are always differing popular opinions on policies and law. We find ourselves in a nation at war with itself. Lines aren’t drawn on a map but on hearts and minds. Bullets aren’t flying through the air, but truth has been weaponized to cause distrust and division. On those…