Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Josh Blackmer (Page 3)

The Psalms in Prayer

The Book of Psalms is a source of songs in which we can offer praise and thanksgiving to God. It also has much to offer in regard to our approaching God in prayer. Many of the psalms are written in the style of prayer or petition and are thereby suitable in helping us learn how to pray and how to express those…

Overcoming Discouragement

Discouragement is a very real danger—a weapon that Satan wields very proficiently. Discouragement has the potential to destroy us, thus Paul warned about it (Gal. 6:9). The following are some suggestions that should help us overcome this threat. Focus our eyes on heaven. Life is meaningless without God (Eccl. 1:2). Our eyes need to be focused upon the goal of our life.…

Can We Show People Love?

“I find it easy to portray a business‐ man. Being bland, rather cruel and incompetent comes naturally to me” (John Cleese). It is easy to be mean, and the world makes it easier. Life seems to be a gauntlet of rude awakenings, playground politics, the rage of rush hour, the push‐and‐shove along the corporate ladder, and the snippy bickering of a thousand…

Salvation in the Gospels

The gospel, meaning the good news, is a word that is used throughout the New Testament. It was used in talking about the good news of the kingdom (Matt. 4:23). Mark starts his account of the life of the Christ this way: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark. 1:1). The Bible also mentions “the gospel…

The Expectations of God

Clearly communicated expectations are very helpful. When you start a new job, part of the interview process and even into the first few weeks is getting to know what is expected of your position. If that is clearly defined, then you are able to work toward achieving the expected standards. However, if your duties are vague or unclear, then there is some…

Conservative or Liberal?

The classifications of conservative or liberal are used to try to categorize the way people think about political, moral, and Biblical concepts. These two ideas are seen as being at odds with one another. When it comes to spiritual matters, we need to be both of these to be godly and pleasing to Him. To be conservative is usually associated with maintaining…