Let's Go Back to the Bible

Any new shoots lately?

Brothers and sisters in Christ enjoy a special relationship on this earth that is like no other! We are not only part of one family (Gal. 3:26-27), but we are part of one body (1 Cor. 12:12-27). The same body! And within that body we are to “have the same care for one another” (12:25). I don’t know about you, but sometimes my “care for one another” is not as good as it should be, or as it could be, or as it once was, and it could use a refresh.

Paul addressed this with the beloved congregation in Philippi, when he wrote of how their “care” for him “flourished again” (Phil. 4:10). What an interesting way to say it! The original language carries the idea of “sprouting again, blossoming again, putting forth new shoots.” There had been a lull in the demonstrations of their care (maybe like what happens with us), but now new shoots were coming forth, even unto “fruit” (4:17).

When you think of your care for your brethren, is it time to flourish again with new shoots?