Let's Go Back to the Bible

“I’m so bored during the sermon”

I don’t know a single preacher who makes such his aim, but many preachers and/or sermons have been charged with being “boring.” While I do not want to defend unprepared sermons or lazy preachers, I do wonder sometimes if listener’s expectations are properly placed. We live in an entertainment-crazed world, and sometimes churchgoers compare the preacher with the latest sitcoms, YouTube phenom or televangelist. Sometimes they expect him to take “the good news” and to “spice it up” or “crank it up” a bit. While the preacher certainly needs to do his best to bring forth the message of the good book in a proper manner for his listeners, may I make a few requests of the listeners?

Please…bring your Bible…use your Bible…follow along…take notes…mark in your Bible…find at least one useful piece of information…realize more people are listening than just you…engage the preacher with eye contact and facial reactions while he’s preaching…let something in the lesson spark a thought for your own Bible study later. Could your boredom say something more about you than the preacher? It’s God’s Word. Let’s love it.