Let's Go Back to the Bible

If you ain’t a saint, why not?

It’s disheartening sometimes that we have allowed certain religious groups to redefine how we use Bible words. The word “saint” is one such word. In some circles, a “saint” is one who lived a highly virtuous life and has been responsible for two posthumous miracles. Others think of a “saint” as some perfect person and will exclaim at times, “Don’t look at me!  I’m no saint!”

The word “saint” or “saints” is found more than 60 times in the New Testament, and it comes from the Greek word hagios, which is also (and more often) translated “holy.” The word “saint” is used as a descriptive word for God’s people, and it emphasizes that one has been separated FROM sin and set apart TO God, to be USED by Him in His service.

Are you a saint? That doesn’t mean, “Are you sinless?” Are you continuing to separate yourself FROM sin? Are you continuing to set yourself apart TO God? And, equally essential, are you being USED by Him in His service? Let’s define and live Bible words in Bible ways!