Let's Go Back to the Bible

You’re not the only one with a load

In Galatians 6:5, Paul states that “each one shall bear his own load.” The word “load” was often used to reference something like a backpack that a soldier would be carrying in battle. It is his personal responsibility. It might be a “load,” but he is personally obligated to handle it, and truthfully, he can handle it. We all have those kinds of loads in life. Sometimes they may seem “bigger than we handle,” but often we can manage just fine. And we must.

But too often we get so focused on our own “loads” that we forget about others and their “burdens.” Three verses earlier, Paul instructed Christians, “Bear one another’s burdens.” “Burdens” are when a “load” is too heavy, is pressing him down and he cannot bear it. How guilty are we of being so self-focused on our own problems that we neglect to see our brother or sister who is about to collapse under the weight of their problems? At that point, I need to jump to his/her aid and help to bear that burden by his/her side! Who knows but that might be exactly what I need to ease my own load! Brethren, bear one another’s burdens!