Let's Go Back to the Bible

What’s a sailboat without a sail?

A little boy crafted a small wooden boat and gently placed it in the neighborhood pond. After a few minutes he asked his dad (with confusion in his voice), “Daddy, why isn’t my sailboat sailing?” The father tenderly replied, “Well, son, it’s because your sailboat doesn’t have a sail.”

How many of us are trying to go through life like a sailboat without a sail? We are floating along but, really, we’re not going anywhere. What purpose, what function, what good is a sailboat without a sail? It is just about useless.

Like the word “SAILboat” emphasizes it must have a SAIL to fulfill its function, the word “CHRISTian” emphasizes that we must have CHRIST to fulfill our function. If you, as a Christian, are going through life without CHRIST at the center of your boat and guiding you along, you’re just floating aimlessly with no purpose and no direction. Fellow CHRISTian, it’s time to stop trying to sail without our Sail (Luke 5:1-11; Matt. 4:18-22; 8:23-27)!