Let's Go Back to the Bible

What would you want them to do for you?

If you were a visitor to one of our church assemblies, what would you want the members of the church to do? (Whatever your answer is, what if you start doing that for our visitors?) If you were a new member of the congregation, what would you want the “older” members of the church to do? (Whatever your answer is, what if you start doing that for new members?) If you were a member 

who was struggling with your faith and had strayed from the church, what would you want the “stronger” members of the church to do? (Whatever your answer is, what if you start doing that for struggling Christians?) If you were a widow in the church who had very few (or maybe no one) who was looking after you, what would you want the members of the church to do? (Whatever your answer is, what if you start doing that for the widows?) If you were an elder of the church, what would you want members of the church to do to make your work easier? (Whatever your answer is, what if you start doing that for the benefit of the elders?)

“Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them” (Matt. 7:12).