Let's Go Back to the Bible

Tie it tight!

The word “bind” means “to tie or fasten something tightly” or “to wrap around with something so as to enclose or cover.” In numerous Bible passages, God’s people were instructed to bind His word to themselves. In other words, they were told to tie or fasten the word of God tightly to themselves, or to wrap the word of God around them in order to be enclosed or covered by it.

Note where God instructed His people to bind His word. “Bind them continually upon your heart” (Prov. 6:21). God’s word should influence the desires of a man’s heart. “Bind them as a sign on your hand” (Deut. 6:8). God’s word should influence the work and activity of a man’s hand. “Bind them on your fingers” (Prov. 7:3). God’s word should influence what a man touches and even the keys and mouse-clicks he makes on his computer and mobile device.

If God’s word is truly bound tightly around our hearts, hands and fingers, what paths of righteousness would it lead us down? What paths of wickedness would it help us avoid?