Let's Go Back to the Bible

The greatest eulogy ever written

When you think of a “eulogy,” what comes to mind? Likely the remarks made about the deceased at a funeral is the immediate thought. So, it may carry a rather somber meaning. But, the word itself has a fantastic origin and denotes offering “high praise.”

Our English word comes from the Greek “eulogia.” The adjective form of this word describes “one who is worthy of blessing and praise,” and, as you might expect, it is used only of God in the New Testament. The word has been described as “a Jewish ascription of praise to God acknowledging Him as the source of all blessing.” In most translations the reader will find these words, “Blessed be the God,” but, perhaps, it would be better understood, “Praise be to God.”

God is to be “praised” (or “blessed”) for creating us (Rom. 1:25), for sending Jesus (Rom. 9:5), for blessing us with every spiritual blessing (Eph. 1:3), for offering His mercy-filled comfort (2 Cor. 1:3) and for extending to us “a living hope” of heaven (1 Pet. 1:3). What a eulogy!