Let's Go Back to the Bible

Rest your faith and your hope in Jesus!

How many Christians have fallen away and left the Lord over the years? What percentage of those who have fallen away and left the church do you suppose have done so because of what a fellow Christian did to them or because of what a fellow Christian did not do for them?

People let us down. And, unfortunately, our fellow Christians are not immune from that statement. Our fellow Christians let us down. They say things they shouldn’t say. They do things they shouldn’t do. OR, they don’t say things or don’t do things that we think they should or when we think they should do them. And we let this affect us…sometimes too much!

If we rest our faith and hope on our fellow Christians, our faith and hope are going to fluctuate big time and potentially crash and burn. May I appeal to each Christian to not allow others to determine your level of faith or faithfulness to the Lord and His church. Rather, let us ensure that our “faith and hope are in God” (1 Pet. 1:21). He won’t let us down!!!