Let's Go Back to the Bible

Repeat after me: “I am not entitled!”

We are living in interesting times, especially when it comes to an individual’s perception of self and of his/her perception of how the world should treat him/her. There is a strong entitlement mentality among us today. Some people feel a sense of entitlement to all sorts of things–to food, to shelter, to healthcare, to money, to a car, to a phone, to a pat on the back, to “feeling good,” to “having it my way,” to “getting what I want,” to “having what everybody else has,” etc.

Take a moment and think through the Bible. How many faithful Bible characters had a sense of entitlement? Even better, do you read about Jesus having a sense of entitlement? If anyone actually was entitled to anything and everything, it was the Son of God! Yet, He “did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matt. 20:28). Wow! What a lesson! We need to follow His lead!

As Christians, we need more elevation, consideration, compassion and agape love for others, and less “I deserve.” Of all people, Christians should know, “I am not entitled!”