Let's Go Back to the Bible

“We don’t want you here”

One weekday morning recently, a tiny bird somehow got inside the lobby of our church building. It was definitely unexpected to see the little guy flying against the front glass trying to escape. We immediately began to try to gently usher him out, but it proved to be more difficult than anticipated. We did not want to hurt him (which we didn’t), but we also wanted him out. Eventually, we were able to help him find the open door and quickly closed them behind him.

Of course, it made me think of a spiritual application (there are many). How often do we treat guests to our worship the same way this tiny bird was treated? How often do we see someone we don’t know and by our actions (or even inactions) “gently usher” them out the front door, letting them know that they are not welcome here? Unfortunately, it probably happens all too often. So, here’s a question for you: When YOU see a guest inside the church building (not the flying kind), do YOU go out of YOUR way (this is personal) to make them feel welcome and wanted, or do YOU make them feel unwelcomed and unwanted? It truly is up to YOU!