Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Stupid” is in the Bible

When I used to drive my girls to school in the morning, we would listen to a chapter of Proverbs on the way each morning. I remember the first couple times we listened to chapter 12 that there were a couple chuckles after the reading of verse one. The girls thought it was funny (and surprising) that the word “stupid” was in the Bible. Well, don’t you?

In some households, the word “stupid” is not permitted. So, why would God choose to use such a strong word? Read the verse. “Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid.” Correction may not be very pleasant, but it is a learning experience. With correction comes knowledge and a “smarter” path in life. But, those who hate correction will never learn from it and will continue in their ignorance and irresponsibility–that’s “stupid”!

How do you respond to correction? The Bible itself is our greatest source of “correction” (2 Tim. 3:16). If you hate it when the Bible seeks to correct your life, guess what God calls you?