Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Every child deserves a voice!”

Anyone driving through rural central Florida will be inundated with billboards that have images of little babies and text that proclaims, “My heart is beating 18 days after conception!” I am so thankful for that stretch of highway every time we drive through it. But, right here in town, there is another billboard with a picture of child that says, “Every child deserves a voice!” The ironic thing about this billboard is that it is not intended to be an anti-abortion message. Yet, that is exactly (albeit accidentally) what it is.

Yes, every child deserves a voice! Even (and especially) the child that is yet unborn! If we could hear a child in the womb speak, what do you suppose we would hear? “I am alive! I am the epitome of ‘life’! I want to live, for that is what I am already doing! Please do not hurt me! Please do not violently crush my life! I am as much alive as you are! God made me that way!”

Unintentional messages are sometimes the most poignant! Every child deserves to live!