Let's Go Back to the Bible

Profanity in worship? Not me!

While some of us may have trouble controlling our tongues, would you ever consider using profanity in the presence of or in the face of God? I’d suspect that all of us would be very cautious with our words if we were speaking one-on-one with our God.

Some years ago I heard a statement that has stuck with me–“Singing without making melody in your heart is profanity!” Think about it. Is that true? By definition, profanity involves blasphemous language that treats something sacred with irreverence or contempt.

The Lord specified that your worship is to involve “singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19). If you sing words (i.e., words are coming from your lips in a melodious tone), but those words are not first generated and then exclaimed from a heart that has contemplated those words and intends those very words, what would you call it? May we focus our hearts while we sing, lest we speak profanity to the face of God (cf. Ezek. 22:26)!