Let's Go Back to the Bible

PokéStop here!

Pokémon GO has taken the world by storm. Guys are skipping out of work. Husbands are out capturing until late at night. Trainers are battling each other to level up. It is fun to watch friends excitedly playing and competing in this new mobile game.

So, what if the church building was a recurring PokéStop? No, not for the game (I’ve moved on to the spiritual application), but for the Christian? What kind of Pokémon could be captured at the church building? Perhaps someone could capture Faithasaur, by locating a Bible class every Sunday and every Wednesday. Perhaps someone could capture Strengthander, by linking up with other trainers while in the assembly. Perhaps someone could capture Rejoicechu, by pointing the heart device toward heaven in deep praise and worship of God.

God wants us to enjoy life (cf. Psa. 34:12). Pokémon GO is a new source of good, clean fun. Just remember that there is a joy we can experience weekly that is truly out of this world!