Let's Go Back to the Bible

No “yeah, but’s”!

How much do you respect God’s Word? How much are you willing to submit, subject and surrender yourself to whatever God says in His Word? Too often, when presented with a Biblical truth, a person might respond, “Yeah, but…,” and follow that up with some reason as to how that particular truth does not apply to him. But, if God’s Word is thoroughly examined, and all relevant information is gathered on a Biblical subject, and conclusions are only drawn based upon the complete evidence, then when truth is presented, there cannot be a “yeah, but.”

The Bible says, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins” (Acts 2:38). Baptism is as essential for the forgiveness of sins as is repentance, and as essential as faith (Mark 16:16). The fullness of the Biblical evidence proves that one must be baptized to be saved (John 3:5; Acts 22:16; Gal. 3:27; 1 Pet. 3:21). Have you been baptized in order to obtain “the forgiveness of sins”? There are no “but’s”!