Let's Go Back to the Bible

My Name Is: Theophilus!

If you could have any Bible name that you wanted, which one would you choose? Well, of course, “David” is a great name. In the Bible, David was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22), and the name itself means “beloved.” Hard to get any better than that. Right?

But, what about Theophilus? How would you like to have that name? Someone might think, “Well, that would be hard to spell. And people wouldn’t pronounce it right.” But, look at the meaning of the name. The compound Greek name combines theos (“God”) and philos (“love”) for a meaning of “lover of God” or “loved of God.” How about that for a name!

While I do not know anyone with that name on his birth certificate, what if we all had that name on our “new-birth certificate”? As Christians, we have been born again into God’s family. He is our Father. While there are many names that He could give us in our new birth, could your Father genuinely call you “Theophilus”? Are you a lover of God? Could He call you that?