Let's Go Back to the Bible

Listening with a hypercritical ear

How do you listen? That is not asking “how well” do you listen. Nor is that asking anything about your hearing ability. Stop, consider, evaluate and be honest– how do you listen?

When someone else is speaking, are you open or closed to them? Are you humble or haughty? Are you patient or pushy? Are you easy or demanding? Are you concentrating on what they’re saying or concentrating on what you’re going to say? Do you give them the benefit of the doubt or do you doubt their every intention? Do you consider the entirety of the context or do you critically dissect every syllable? Are you just ready to pounce or are you eager to forgive? Do you want the best for them or do you secretly hope that they will mess up?

Three other questions: How does agape love listen? (Please read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and measure how you listen next to those words.) How does the Golden Rule listen (Luke 6:31)? Finally, how did (and would and does) Jesus listen? God help me to listen like Him!