Let's Go Back to the Bible

Husbands, what have you given up for your wife?

How often have you heard it said, “Marriage requires give and take”? I’ve said it myself in various counseling sessions. And, in some respects, we might say it’s true. However, if you were asked to find a Bible verse for “giving” in marriage, could you do it? Very likely! But, could you find a verse for “taking” in marriage? That might prove a bit more difficult to find.

Husbands, as you reflect on your marriage, what have you given up for your wife? Some might say: “I’ve given up my dream job. I’ve given up my garage. I’ve given up my truck. I’ve given up my Monday night football. I’ve given up my side of the closet.” For a marriage to succeed, agape love must dominate in your relationship and in your home–a love that unconditionally and unselfishly seeks to meet your wife’s greatest needs. You see, it’s not about what “things” you’ve given up for your wife! The standard is much higher. Consider it carefully: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her” (Eph. 5:25). Jesus did not give up things; He gave up Himself. Have you done that for your bride?