Let's Go Back to the Bible

Got fire insurance?

A preacher moved with his family into a new home and decided to go door-knocking in the neighborhood, to introduce himself and possibly make some positive contacts for future studies. At one door, a lady very abruptly flung the door open and blurted, “I’m not interested!” The preacher calmly replied, “But, ma’am…I haven’t even introduced himself. I’m just a preacher for a local church of Christ, who just moved in down the street with my family, and I only wanted to meet my neighbors.” Relieved, the woman calmly disclosed, “Oh, I was afraid you were another insurance salesman.” They both had a good laugh, and then the preacher thoughtfully replied, “Well, you know. I am kind of in the insurance business. I’m selling fire insurance. Insurance from an eternal fire.” Amused and with a smirk, she answered, “Now that’s ingenious!”

As Christians, we are all in the fire insurance business. We are charged to “save” by “snatching them out of the fire” (Jude 23). There is an eternal fire, into which those who do not obey will “go away” (2 Thess. 1:8-9). Let us be the best fire insurance salesmen on the planet!