Let's Go Back to the Bible

Got a date for this weekend?

Whether you’re single or married, the question is for you—got a date this weekend? Those who are in the “dating” or “courting” stage may do more to impress their date than us old married folks, but we all still put our best foot forward when going out.  We will put on clean clothes (might even take a shower).  We will comb our hair (what’s left of it).  We will brush our teeth (or at least give them a good soaking).  We want to look good, and I dare say that most of us want to look the best that we can.

Now for a related question—ever had a date with God? I’m not talking about Sunday mornings (although that’s often the only time someone spends around God).  I’m talking about Monday morning and Monday evening (extrapolate that out for the rest of the days of the week).  Do you put your best foot forward in (1) initiating a “date with God” and (2) giving your all when you’re with the Lord?  Is your delight in God (cf. Psa. 1:2a)?  Do you spend quantity and quality time in meditating on His word day and night (cf. Psa. 1:2b)?  You won’t ever have a better date!