Let's Go Back to the Bible

God still loves the lost, even when we don’t

Sometimes it may be hard for us to love those who do us wrong or whom we deem “unlovable” due to their manner of life.  As humans, we tend to be so selfish and “return-on-investment” centered that we lose sight of (1) God’s love and (2) God’s commandments to us.

This reminds me of Jonah.  God commanded him, “Arise, go to Nineveh.”  But, when Jonah thought of Nineveh, he saw a city so full of wickedness that, in his opinion, they were not deserving of a second chance or the mercy of God.  So Jonah fled from doing the will of God.  But, God’s love and God’s mercy were not going to be impeded by Jonah’s rebellion, for God’s love and God’s mercy are not directed at our will but at His.

Let us never lose sight of (1) God’s love for all sinners, including us and the lost world, and (2) God’s commandment to us to share His love and mercy with those who need it.  Thanks be to God that His love still includes us.  May we not be selfish or shortsighted in sharing it!