Let's Go Back to the Bible

Forgetting who’s boss

In many homes, there are children who have taken the reins and are running the show. They (along with their parents, perhaps) have forgotten who’s boss. In many workplaces, there are employees who think they can make the decisions and call the shots. They have forgotten who’s boss. While these are serious problems that need to be resolved, there is a bigger one.

As one reads through the Bible, he will come across individuals, families and even nations who had forgotten who’s boss. They forgot that there is a God! They forgot that He rules in the affairs of men! They forgot that His word must be obeyed, without turning to the right or to the left! Instead, they made themselves “the boss” of their lives…to their own detriment.

Now, look at our modern day. Who’s boss? But, more importantly and personally, who’s your boss? It is easy to be your own boss, but it takes a conscious choice to let Christ rule in your life (1 Pet. 3:15a). Who’s in charge of your heart and your daily life–you or Jesus?