Let's Go Back to the Bible

Don’t quit!

Some days, as a Christian, are going to be harder than others. Don’t quit! Some days, the devil is going to seem to have the upper hand. Don’t quit! Some days, you are going to feel under attack for standing for truth and Biblical morality. Don’t quit! Some days, fellow Christians are going to let you 2019-09-09-Dont-quitdown and maybe even hurt you. Don’t quit! Some days, a family member (maybe even a spouse or a child) is going to frustrate you and maybe even break your heart. Don’t quit! Some days, you may question your faith, may question God, may question your core values. Don’t quit! Some days, you may feel like giving up and think that you’re just tired of the constant burdens of life. Don’t quit! Some days, you will be filled with grief, loneliness, heartache, and even find yourself weeping throughout the day. Don’t quit! Some days, you will wonder if anyone cares. Don’t quit!

God will not quit…for you! God’s love will not quit…for you! God’s providence will not quit…for you! Lean on Him! Pour your heart out to Him! He will see you through!