Let's Go Back to the Bible

Do we hold ourselves to our own expectations?

Let’s face it. We all have a level of expectations to which we hold others, and when folks don’t meet those (unexpressed, unknown) expectations, we tend to be disappointed, exasperated and even offended. Consider some examples. How often have church members been upset that no other members call to check on them or send them cards in the mail? How often have some criticized that, when they went to church, no one spoke to them when they were there?

In Romans 2, Paul addressed some Jewish Christians who did not hold themselves to the same standard that they held others. He asked, “You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you steal?” (Rom. 2:21-23). How easy it is to see what others should be doing and not see that same responsibility in ourselves!

Brethren, rather than blame others for what they’re not doing, let’s be the ones who take the initiative to do what we think others should be doing. Even if others do not meet our expectations, at the very least we should hold ourselves to them!