Let's Go Back to the Bible

Am I going to the right church?

Am I going to the right church?

On a weekly basis, there will be a church-goer somewhere who wonders, “Am I going to the right church?” This is a crucial question, for the answer is of eternal consequence. How does one determine the right answer to this question? How about asking some other questions?

Why am I going to this church? Did I make the decision to go here or did I just follow along with someone else? Should I be using the Bible to determine the right church? Does my church go only by the Bible or are there some human traditions or doctrines that it upholds and follows? If someone asked me why I go to this church, would I use the Bible to explain my answer or would I base my response upon my personal preferences and feelings?

Jesus died for His church. Jesus established His church. Jesus gave inspired instructions for His church. Jesus loves His church. Jesus will return and take His church home to heaven. Are you certain that you are in His church?