Let's Go Back to the Bible

Abstain from every form of evil!

It is interesting how easily we can justify certain desired behaviors in our minds. We are sometimes our own worst manipulators. Sometimes a Christian can convince himself that cheating on a test, just once, is the right thing to do to help his GPA. Sometimes a Christian can steer himself into believing that pornography is a “victimless crime” and is better than “acting out” on those desires. Sometimes a Christian can finesse his conscience into justifying “moderate drinking” as socially acceptable and even Biblically approved “if I don’t get drunk.”

Can we consider fourteen inspired words from 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 for just a moment? “Test all things.” “Hold fast what is good.” “Abstain from every form of evil.” When you go about to “test all things,” make sure that you are using the proper standard for all tests–God’s Word. And, make sure that you are using what IT says and not what you WANT it to say. After the standard has revealed “evil” to you, God says to abstain from EVERY FORM of that evil. Evil, no matter how it is packaged and how it appears, is still EVIL! Get away from it!