Let's Go Back to the Bible

A paregoric Christian

As Paul closed his letter to the church at Colosse, he mentioned several of his “fellow workers for the kingdom of God,” and he had this to say about them: “they have proved to be a comfort to me” (Col. 4:11). What a great compliment! But, it’s even better than that! The Greek word for “comfort” in this verse is paregoria (only here in the New Testament). It was used especially as a medical term, in the sense of soothing, solace, alleviating. From this word is derived our English word “paregoric,” a medicine that soothes and lessens pain. These brethren who came to Paul, while he was in a Roman prison, proved to be a medicine, which soothed and lessened his pain, discomfort and discouragement, just by their presence. What a great compliment!

Are you a paregoric Christian? Are you a brother or sister in Christ who is soothing to be around and offers solace and easing of pain to your fellow Christians? Some Christians seem to have a knack for providing a natural, soothing comfort in times of stress? Do you?