Let's Go Back to the Bible

What’s the Combination?

Combination locks—a simple and yet intricate invention of centuries gone by—are used widely today for locking up numerous belongings—like bicycles, suitcases, briefcases, doors, gates, phones, etc.  Regardless of the style of lock, everyone understands the process required to open one of these locks.  It’s very simple—all of the numbers must be placed in a precise order.  When the “combination” of (1) the right numbers and (2) the right order come together, then and only then will access be granted.

Think about those two requirements.  First, the right numbers are necessary.  If the 4-digit combination is 1234, then only those numbers can open the lock.  The number 5 (although it is a close number and an all-around nice number) is right out and will never be used to successfully open the lock.  Second, the right order of the numbers is necessary.  If the 4-digit combination is 1234, then only that sequence can open the lock.  2134 or 1243 or 4123 (or any other order) will never open the lock.

What does that have to with the Bible and Christianity?  The most important door that anyone can ever open is the door of salvation, and the only way to “unlock” that door is through the sequence that God has specified.  Following any other order than that defined by God will leave one on the outside of that door…forever.  The searching soul must determine (1) the right steps required for salvation and (2) the right order of those steps.  Then, and only then, can he enter into the blessed door of heaven itself.

First, what are the “numbers” or the “steps” required for salvation?  Jesus Himself tells us that opening the door of salvation requires “being baptized” (Mark 16:16; John 3:5), “believing” (John 3:16; 8:24), “confessing Jesus” (Matt. 10:32) and “repenting” (Luke 13:3, 5).  Those are the steps required to open the door.  No others will do it.

Second, in what “order” or “sequence” must those steps be taken in order to acquire salvation?  Let’s allow the Bible to define the order.  “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16).  Those who were “pricked in their heart” through faith in the gospel were told, “Repent and…be baptized…for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).  “Philip said, ‘If you believe with all your heart, you may [be baptized].’ And [the eunuch] answered and said, ‘I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God’” (Acts 8:36-37).  Put it all together and one finds God’s combination—believe+repent+confess+baptism.  This sequence, and only this sequence, will open the door of salvation.  Having any of these steps in another order (like the 4123 example above) will not secure access to God’s promise.

God gave us His combination!  Have you followed it?