Let's Go Back to the Bible

What’s Needed in Syria

We are hearing a lot about Syria in the news these days, and none of it is good.  What is happening in Syria is very serious!  Here is a nation that has been engaged in a horrific civil war for more than five years, which has claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people.  Whatever the cause of this violence and however it might be reported, it ought to arrest our attention to hear of that many souls being killed!

But, I want you to know that I have the solution!  Now, I’m not a diplomat or a politician or a military strategist or a sociologist, but I know exactly what is needed in Syria to bring an abrupt end to the vicious brutality that has caused millions to flee for their lives.  Here’s the short of it:  If “Syria” today could have what “Syria” of 2,000 years ago had, things would be much different!

Syria needs the fame of Jesus! At the end of Matthew 4, Jesus was making His way through northern Palestine, “teaching…preaching the gospel…and healing” (4:23).  “Then His fame went throughout all Syria” (4:24).  Other translations say, “The news about Him spread” (NASB); “And the report of him went forth into all Syria” (ASV).  The only sure, proven and long-term solution for peace is the good news about Jesus and His kingdom.  Isaiah prophesied of nations beating swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks (Isa. 2:2-4).  Syria needs the good news of Jesus Christ!

Syria needs strong churches! As Paul began his second missionary journey from Antioch of Syria, “he went through Syria…strengthening the churches” (Acts 15:41).  These congregations had already been established and were growing, but they needed further encouragement to stay true to the Lord and to fight against the wiles of the devil.  A strong church can influence a whole community for good.  Syria needs faithful and fervent congregations!

Syria needs servant-hearted Christians! On his way to Jerusalem, at the end of his third missionary journey, Paul “sailed to Syria…And finding disciples, we stayed there seven days” (Acts 21:3-4).  Paul stayed in some hospitable Christian’s home for seven days.  When he left, “they all accompanied us, with wives and children, till we were out of the city,” which was a common send-off of God speed.  “We knelt down on the shore and prayed…and they returned home” (21:5-6).  These brethren served Paul’s every need.  Syria needs servants of Christ!

The situation in Syria could turn around instantly if the good news of Jesus could be spread by strong churches made up of servant-hearted Christians!  Actually, the situation in America could turn around instantly and the situation in our homes could turn around instantly by the same process!