Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Dear Friend, I Found Something”

Dear Friend, I found something that I want to tell you about.  I can hardly contain myself, as I think about sharing this with you.  As someone that I care about and for whom I want the very best, I could not let another moment pass without telling you about it!  I hope that you will take the time to read this and consider what I’m about to share with you.

I found something that has changed my life. Suppose that we lived in the day before electricity, and then one day I found a magic switch that instantaneously gave electrical power to the entire planet.  How cool (and life-altering) would that be?  What I actually have found is more life-changing than that, and I want to share it with you.

I found something that is immeasurably valuable and it’s free. If I had found a deep gold mine in my back yard, I could hardly resist telling you about it and showing it to you.  I didn’t find a gold mine, but I found something even more valuable, and I want to share it with you.

I found something that is an absolute sure investment! Imagine that I learned about an investment opportunity that was absolutely risk-free and guaranteed a ten-fold return on every investment.  Would you be interested?  I would not be able to stop myself from sharing it with you, but I found something even more certain than that, with an even better guarantee, and I want to share it with you.

I found something that is the proven, documented cure for the worst affliction ever known to man. If I had discovered the cure for cancer, stroke, diabetes or Alzheimer’s, I would not be able to wait to tell you about it, but I found something that is an even better cure (proven 100% effective in every case), and I want to share it with you.

I found something that is more special to me than anything else on this earth. Do you know how some people cannot stop talking about their wonderful grandchildren, or the latest accomplishments of their children, or their newest gadget?  I found something that is even more special to me than anything else than I could ever dream of, and I want to share it with you.

I found something that is so extraordinarily exciting. If someone paid off my mortgage, I would have to tell you.  If my favorite team won the championship, I’d have to talk about it.   But what I’ve found is more exciting than anything like this, and I want to share it with you.

You are important to me!  I am eager to lay out for you what I have found, and I hope that you will be just as excited about it as I am.  Please contemplate these things as we explore them together.